Canvas and related tools

Articles (32)

Accessing Canvas without a Michigan Tech account name and password

Accessing Canvas without a Michigan Tech Username and Password

Accessing content from previous Canvas courses

Access to old course content in Canvas is not available by default, but is possible with instructor permission

Customize Canvas Course List

How to use the star in All Courses to customize your course list

Getting Started with Read & Write - Student guide

Read&Write is a literacy software that offers several support tools to help with reading, writing, studying and research.

Gradescope - Getting Started

This article outlines how an instructor can login and set up a new course in Gradescope.

Gradescope - Linking a Canvas course to a Gradescope course

This article outlines how to link a Gradescope course and a Canvas course.

Gradescope - Setting up a 'Homework & Problem Set' assignment type

This articles outlines the steps an instructor needs to take to set up a Homework & Problem Set assignment type in Gradescope.

Gradescope - Setting up a Programming Assignments assignment type

This article outlines the steps an instructor needs to take to develop a Programming Assignment within Gradescope.

Gradescope - Setting up an Exams & Quizzes assignment type

This article will outline how to set up the 'Exams & Quizzes assignment type in Gradescope.

New Canvas Rich Content Editor

This article outlines the new features available with the Rich Content Editor in Canvas.

New Gradebook in Canvas

The new gradebook in Canvas will help instructors more efficiently view and enter student grades.


Piazza is a Question and Answer platform that can be integrated into Canvas.

Sharing instructional materials from a concluded Canvas course

This article outlines how a faculty member can share instructional materials from a Canvas course that has been concluded.

Submitting Grades Electronically via Canvas

Instructions for grade submission in Canvas

Submitting Grades via Banner Self Service

Instructions for grade submission in Canvas.

Troubleshooting Panopto Playback in Canvas within Safari on macOS

Panopto/Huskycast is unable to load in Canvas within Safari on macOS. This is due to Apple's approach to privacy to safeguard user information on the web. Cross-site tracking is used to pass information from one site to another in certain cases (e.g. Canvas to Panopto).