Gradescope - Setting up a 'Homework & Problem Set' assignment type

Tags Gradescope

Gradescope offers different assignment types.  The Homework & Problem Set assignment type works well when students are required to submit homework problems or other handwritten assignments.

  1. Login at
  2. At the Gradescope dashboard page, select the course that you want to create an assignment for.
  3. Select Assignments from the left navigation bar of the course.
  4. Select 'Create Assignment' from the lower right corner of the screen. 
  5. Select 'Homework & Problem Set' from the Assignment Dialogue box and 'Next'.
    Assignment Type selection menu
  6. In the Assignment Settings dialog box, select Who will upload submission? (1)  This field will allow you to mark whether the instructor or student will be uploading the submission.  If the instructor will be handing out the assignment and collecting it for grading then select Instructor.  If the student will be required to submit the assignment select Student.  Either option will require you to upload a pdf of the assignment.. If you select Student, you will need to enter the assignment name, release date and due date.  When selecting Student, you will also need to determine whether to Allow late submissions (2).  You can check this box if you would like to allow students to submit after the due date. Submission Type (3) - Variable Length allows students to submit a document with an undefined number of pages. Fixed Length -students are only allowed to use the pdf document that is provided.
    Assignment Settings Menu
  7. If the student will need to view and download the pdf check the Template Visibility box.
  8. Select 'Create Assignment' when you have entered the necessary assignment details.
  9. Once the assignment is created, you will then need to create an Assignment Outline.  An assignment outline allows instructors to define the zones of the pdf document that contain gradable content and create the scoring criteria for the assignment.
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Article ID: 136144
Mon 7/26/21 11:39 AM
Fri 8/27/21 10:40 AM