Canvas features a new gradebook with enhanced functionality designed to save time and improve efficiency in entering and viewing grades. The new gradebook will be available in all new Canvas courses at Michigan Tech. Here is an overview of some of the new features available in the gradebook.
By default the new gradebook displays all enrolled students and all assignments (published and unpublished) and associated grades. From the View menu you can arrange your gradebook assignments alphabetically, by due date, point value, or by the order they appear within a module. Filters are available to further modify your gradebook view by assignment groups, modules, sections or student groups. You can enable multiple filters for more precise views of gradebook information.

From the Actions menu, you can export a .csv file of current gradebook information, or you can import changes to the gradebook from a .csv file.

The student name column can be sorted from the options menu (three vertical dots). You can choose to sort alphabetically, display by first or last name, and display additional student information such as section or login ID.

Published assignments appear automatically in the gradebook at creation. Unpublished assignments will also appear and be denoted with a red 'UNPUBLISHED' marker in the assignment name. Submission status of assignments is displayed by customizable color-coding of individual cells.
From an individual assignment's option menu you can sort by grade or status, message students, curve grades, set a default grade, post hidden grades, and hide grades.

A new grade posting policy feature is also available from the assignment option menu. When selected, a grade posting policy sidebar appears with options to release the assignment grades automatically or manually.

Assignment grades can be entered by clicking the cell corresponding to each student. A new grade detail tray option is available by clicking the arrow icon that appears next to the grade in the assignment cell.

This grade detail tray displays the student name, assignment name, a link to view the assignment in Speedgrader, grade score, submission status and a field to enter comments for students.

A new Gradebook Settings menu provides additional options for managing grades that should be completed before students submit assignments. The settings you choose in this menu will apply to all assignments. To open the Settings menu, select the Settings icon (Gear) at the upper right.

The Late Policies tab provides options to automatically deduct points for missing or late submissions.

The Grade Posting Policy tab allows you to set a course-level policy for how and when grades are released to students. The Automatic Post Grades option is the default selection in the new gradebook and releases grades to students as soon as they are entered. The Manually Post Grades option allows you to hide grades by default.

You can manually post grades when you are ready from the individual assignment options menu. The assignment options menu is also where you can override the course-level posting policy for a specific assignment, as reviewed earlier in this article.

Consult the additional Canvas resources below for more information about the new Canvas gradebook.