Managing your personal web pages (

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Faculty, staff and students have the ability to create and maintain their own personal web pages. Your personal web page is your responsibility to create and maintain. All personal web pages are located at So, if your email is, your web page can be found at

Please visit the Related Articles section for how to access your M: multidrive.


  1. Open the M: multidrive and find the my_web_files folder on Windows, Mac, or Linux*.
  2. Create and save a file called index.html at the top level of the my_web_files folder in the M: multidrive.
  3. Open a web browser.
  4. Navigate to online. It will load the index.html file once stored in the appropriate location for your operating system. You will see a Forbidden message on your page if the index.html is missing.
  5. Store all your page content, such as files, images, etc., in the same location as index.html (my_web_files in M: multidrive).
*Note: If you are using a Linux computer, change the directory to /local/my_web_files/yourusername to store your index.html and other files.


Several resources exist to help If you have never built or maintained a personal web page. 

  • LinkedIn Learning faculty and staff of Michigan Tech have access to LinkedIn Learning. This is a great resource for helping build your personal homepage. 
  • tutorial on how to write a website in HTML
  • W3Schools tutorial on CSS—A more advanced website can use CSS for a consistent style across all pages.


A code editing software will help while designing your personal web page. Michigan Tech IT does not endorse any particular code editor, but there are many to choose from. Available options include free versions such as:

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Article ID: 53192
Thu 5/3/18 10:12 AM
Mon 3/13/23 8:09 AM

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