Creating a Turnitin assignment to check for similarity

Turnitin promotes academic integrity, deters plagiarism, and improves student outcomes.

  1. Select Assignments from the left Navigation bar of your Canvas course.
    Assignment link on left Navigation bar
  2. Create a new assignment.
    Add assignment button
  3. Under Submission type, select Online from the pull-down menu.  Then select File Uploads.
    Submission Type
  4. A Similarity review option will now be available.  Select Turnitin from the drop-down menu. You will now see a detailed menu of options on how you want to set up the Turnitin Submission.
    Plagiarism Review option
  5. Complete the assignment settings and save the assignment.
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Article ID: 72189
Mon 2/18/19 1:58 PM
Thu 10/12/23 8:44 AM