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Manually add HuskyPrint, Papercut, and certain networked printers on a minimally managed or personal Linux device.
Adding HuskyPrint and Papercut via the automated script.
Available Microsoft software for for students, faculty, and staff personal computers
Help for students to setup a Windows VM on a personal Mac computer to install Windows software
NX install help for Windows personal computers for Engineering Fundamentals 1102 course
Solutions for common troubleshooting situations while using the software distribution center on personally-owned devices (current students, staff, and faculty).
This article explains how to connect to your Multidrive from a computer running Linux.
How to use Papercut on a minimally managed or personal Windows device.
How to use Papercut on a minimally managed or personal Mac device.
How to use the Papercut Client on a minimally managed or personal device.
Instructions for connecting to Multidrive on a minimally managed or personal Mac device
Add HuskyPrint or networked printers to a minimally managed or personal Windows device.
You can add HuskyPrint and Papercut on a minimally managed or personal device using an automated script.
How to install HuskyPrint stations with an automated script on a minimally managed or personal Mac device.
Local support options for your personal computer