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Instructions for installing and running the VPN client (f5) on computer running Linux
Manually add HuskyPrint, Papercut, and certain networked printers on a minimally managed or personal Linux device.
Adding HuskyPrint and Papercut via the automated script.
You can install and use Xpra on your Linux, Windows, or Mac device to run graphical applications through an SSH connection to a remote Linux computer.
Instructions for Installing\Uninstalling\Upgrading Python Modules in Linux using Pip
Instructions for connecting to M: multidrive on a fully managed Linux machine (command line)
How to browse all files graphically on a Linux system.
Linux users have a user scratch space system available on all Linux Lab and faculty/staff/graduate student machines.
How to remotely connect to a campus Windows PC from a computer running Linux
Unlocking or deleting a keyring (credentials store) in Linux
This article explains how to connect to your Multidrive from a computer running Linux.
Instructions for installing software on Red Hat Linux 9
How to use the Papercut Client on a minimally managed or personal device.
Using X Forwarding to run graphical programs on a remote Linux machine through an SSH connection.
Instructions for restoring files on a fully managed Red-Hat Linux computer