Joining the Linux information mailing list

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Michigan Tech IT has a mailing list for information pertinent to fully managed Linux computers on campus.  This is useful for faculty and staff that use Linux labs for coursework, or anyone else on campus that uses an fully managed Linux computer regularly. 

The group address is  To join this group, follow the instructions at the Linux-itinfo-l group website. Note: you must be signed in with your Google/Gmail account to join.

As a member of this group, you'll receive information on new changes to fully managedLinux systems, important reminders, new Support Center articles relating to Linux on campus, and more. 

Refer to Using Google Groups for more information. If you need additional help, contact us at or call 7-1111. 


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Article ID: 105270
Tue 4/14/20 10:30 AM
Fri 10/14/22 8:07 AM