How to connect to and use the HuskyPrint stations on campus, including how to add money to your account for color printing.

Articles (10)

HuskyPrint locations

Locations of HuskyPrint Color and B&W stations on campus

Scanning multi-page documents (Job Builder)

Job Builder is a way to use the flatbed scanner to send multi-page documents as a single file to email or a USB drive.

Using PaperCut to print (Linux - minimally managed or personal)

How to use the Papercut Client on a minimally managed or personal device.

Using PaperCut to print (Mac - minimally managed or personal)

How to use Papercut on a minimally managed or personal Mac device.

Using PaperCut to print (Windows - minimally managed or personal)

How to use Papercut on a minimally managed or personal Windows device.

Using a HuskyPrint station

Using the HuskyPrint Station to scan or copy

Finishing options for HuskyPrint stations

Add finishing options such as staples or punched holes to your document when printing to a HuskyPrint station.

Printing using special paper on the HuskyPrint stations

Instructions for how to print using special paper on the HuskyPrint stations

HuskyPrint PaperCut refund for Husky-Color

Instructions for requesting a refund if your color print job fails to print.

Adding Express Cash for husky-color printing

Express Cash is used to pay for color printing on HuskyPrint stations.