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Instructions for requesting a refund if your color print job fails to print.
Express Cash is used to pay for color printing on HuskyPrint stations.
Locations of HuskyPrint Color and B&W stations on campus
Adding Express Cash to your HuskyCard, checking balances, getting withdrawals or refunds, adding money to Papercut for color printing
You can add HuskyPrint and Papercut on a minimally managed or personal device using an automated script.
Instructions for how to print using special paper on the HuskyPrint stations
A list of common iMacs that can be purchased
Manually add HuskyPrint, Papercut, and certain networked printers on a minimally managed or personal Linux device.
A list of common desktop computers that can be purchased
NX install help for Windows personal computers for Engineering Fundamentals 1102 course
Business class 15-inch and16-inch Standard Laptops
How to use Papercut on a minimally managed or personal Windows device.
Google has added the ability in the latest version of Chrome to have multiple separate profile windows. Learn how to customize your window to differentiate between multiple profiles.