Information Technology Q&A for new students

We encourage all incoming students to review this information before coming to campus.

Computer recommendations

Please visit Campus computing device requirement and loaners for information regarding computer recommendations for students. For all majors, except majors in the Department of Visual and Performing Arts, the minimum and recommended specifications are listed for Windows devices. For majors in the Department of Visual and Performing Arts, the recommended specifications for MacBooks are listed. Most manufacturers have student pricing, including Dell, HP, and Apple.

Computer labs

There are also 800+ computers on campus, with over 280 located on the four floors of the JR Van Pelt Library, with all the software you need listed on our Computer Labs page. The Library has a convenient Find a Seat kiosk mounted at the entrance. There are wireless lounges with small groups of computers, meeting furniture, wireless coverage, and printers in most buildings. Most classroom labs are available for student use when not used for classes; schedules are posted on the rooms.

Other things to remember

Bring a USB flash drive. Put a text file on it with Lost/Found information to contact you; you will eventually forget it somewhere. You will use it in situations where you’re working offline. Better than a flash drive, Google Drive provides storage for Michigan Tech students, faculty and staff. You can also configure Google Drive for backups for your personal device.

Warranties on laptops have saved many students. Think about spending the extra money on a good warranty. Laptops see a lot of travel/weather/use and you want them to last through college.

Access to Google Drive and Google Photos expires 120 days after you’re no longer a student. Contents of these folders are erased at that time.  See our knowledge base article on Google's options for downloading or transferring your data.

Available software

Use AppsAnywhere for your personal device for access to software. Select the software application title at the Software Distribution Center. If it lists Available in AppsAnywhere, this is the preferred method for the most seamless installation experience. Software availability depends on your active status, major, class enrollment, personal or lab computer, on or off campus, etc. Some examples:

  • Autocad
  • ChemBioDraw
  • EndNote
  • Mathematica
  • Matlab
  • Multisim
  • JMP Pro
  • NX
  • LabView
  • Microsoft Office
  • Tecplot

Protecting your technology 

Overall advice

Use good passwords (not defaults) for everything. Get LastPass to keep track. Use the uBlock Origin Lite extension for malicious pop-up blocking.  Use Chrome (and sign in to save bookmarks/extensions/settings).

Microsoft Windows

Use built in Windows Defender in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Keep your Windows Updates current and your firewall on.

Mac OS

Set up and use Time Machine. AVAST and Sophos have free anti-virus programs.


Firewalls are your friend. Fail2ban and Clamscan antivirus are available in many distributions.

Residence hall Internet


Resnet is the residential network used in the Michigan Tech residence halls and apartments. You will need to pre-register devices that use the wired connection in your room and some wireless devices.


Residence hall rooms have wired connections to the campus network at 100MB. Campus is connected by 10GB link. Rooms will have one wired network port.  You can bring your own non-wireless network switch or router to provide more connections in your room.  Bring your own cables! Check your room layout to estimate length. Wired connections are subject to a quality of service monitor that works to make sure everyone gets their fair share of the pipe and that it’s not abused by peer-to-peer file sharing or other bandwidth hogs.


There is no speed cap to the access points; each access point is connected to at least a 100MB connection. Access points are in every other room in most halls. Don’t panic if you don’t see lights; we turn them off to not keep you up all night with the blinking. Personal wireless access points are forbidden; it hurts everyone's wireless signal strength.  Don’t bother hiding the network name; it will be found.  All you end up doing is hurting your fellow residents by making their wireless performance bad. Wireless printers are OK, but take a bit of setup to connect to the network and secure.  

Peer-to-peer/file sharing

Michigan Tech regularly receives DMCA notices on students illegal file sharing of copyrighted material. For all offenses, we forward you a copy and send a copy to the Office of Academic and Community Conduct.  This will be placed in your student conduct file with their office. Consequences of repeat offenses may include conduct probation as determined by the Office of Academic and Community Conduct. Conduct probation may affect your ability to participate in co-curricular and/or extra-curricular activities (e.g., Co-Op, Internship, Study Aboard, some financial aid scholarships). Furthermore, student conduct files may be subject to employment background checks upon release with your permission.

Gaming, smart TVs, other devices

Gaming consoles, Smart TVs, streaming media boxes, wireless printers, etc. need to be registered to you to be able to connect to the campus wireless network. Instructions will be in your rooms, welcome packets, and email. Remember that you are connecting to a shared campus network. Devices like wireless printers, streaming devices, and file shares may be visible to possibly hundreds of other people.  Please follow the device's instructions to set up its security as best you can.

Getting help with Resnet

Please submit a Resnet troubleshooting request form, which will gather the information IT needs to assist:

  • Building and room number. If apartment, note if a bedroom or living area.
  • Device type (e.g. Windows laptop, Mac, XBox, Google Home, Chromecast, etc.)
  • Ethernet or wireless physical address/MAC of the device
  • Connecting to wired or wireless
  • Description of issue and any specific errors


You can visit our HuskyPrint category in our support center for how to use HuskyPrint on-campus. There is a Xerox BW copier/scanner/printer in each hall. HuskyBW offers black and white printing at no extra charge. HuskyColor offers color printing, which is charged at $0.25 per page. You can add Express Cash using the Billing & Payments Card in Experience (formerly MyMichiganTech) for color printing.


Submit your Husky ID photo using the My Account card in Experience by August 1st; this will save you a lot of time during check-in. During check-in, pre-printed HuskyCards will be with your check-in packet, if you have an approved photo submitted by August 1. Your HuskyCard is the official Michigan Tech ID card that is issued to all students, faculty, and staff. Your HuskyCard gives you access to campus buildings (residence halls, dining, labs, academic buildings) and parking lots, if applicable. If you have questions or need more information, visit

Cellular providers

AT&T and Verizon coverage is provided in the Houghton area and throughout the Upper Peninsula. Wifi calling is available from smartphones on campus in buildings where obtaining a signal may be difficult.

ATMs on campus

You can find the list of local banks and a map to the ATMs on campus and in the area by visiting the Local Banks page.

  • Wadsworth Hall – East side by the reception desk
  • Memorial Union Building – Ground floor by the food court
  • Student Development Complex – By Coach’s Corner

IT Support Center

Knowledge Base

The IT Support Center at contains our Service Catalog and IT Knowledge Base. Select New Student Resources for a collection of helpful articles for new students. You can search by category or keywords. Questions that go unanswered are recorded so that we can grow the system. If you do not get an answer, connect with IT by emailing or by calling 906-487-1111.

Service Catalog

If you're having a problem, browse our Service catalog and choose the service that relates to your issue. You can submit a ticket directly to the IT staff best suited to help you. 

View your tickets

You can also view any active ticket requests you have with IT, including adding more detail to a request or communicating with a technician.

Set up your password recovery options

Everyone should set up recovery options for their Michigan Tech account – this should be a checklist item. Add your mobile phone for password recovery; this is a 24/7 password reset option and is a useful self-service reset if you forget. If you do not have a mobile phone, you can set up secret questions.

Two-step verification for campus

Once you’re considered a student/during orientation week, you will be prompted for two-step authentication for some services like Gmail, Experience, Banner Self Service, and Canvas. Options for two-step:

  • Install DUO app on your phone and link to your account
  • Benefit to using the Duo App - you can use it offline when you have no cell service, including when you are traveling internationally.
  • Can use the app to generate a PIN code (no data service required)
  • Can get a push on your phone to approve (data service required)
  • Pin code texted to your phone (data service required)
  • Need another option? Stop by the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) in the Library for a pin code key fob.

Connect with IT