Installing HuskyPrint, Papercut, and networked printers manually (Linux - minimally managed or personal)


Manually add HuskyPrint, Papercut, and certain networked printers on a minimally managed or personal Linux device.


You can manually install HuskyPrint stations and certain networked printers on minimally managed or personal devices. If you have a fully managed device, you will already have the HuskyPrint stations installed and do not need to install HuskyPrint or Papercut. Visit Managed Devices at Michigan Tech for more details.

Papercut requirement

If you have a minimally managed or personal device, the Papercut client is required. You need to install HuskyPrint and Papercut.

Please disconnect from the VPN before you print, as it will prevent the Papercut client from prompting for credentials. You can reconnect when you are done printing.

You can view your transaction history, recent print jobs, and jobs pending release by logging into PaperCut with your Michigan Tech account name and password.


Pre-installation notes

Papercut is particular about the Java version it needs. Our testing concluded that it needs Java 11 or above in order to work properly on Fedora/RHEL/Centos systems. Depending on your setup, your situation may vary. If you want to add the husky-bw and husky-color printers to cups you’ll also need admin privileges.

Caution:  Java 11+ is required for Papercut and it will not work with version 10 or below.

Packages needed: You'll also need the packages ‘cups’ and ‘lpadmin’

Note: These instructions are based on a RHEL system. You may need to customize the commands based on your particular Linux distribution.

You can view your transaction history, recent print jobs, and jobs pending release by logging into PaperCut with your Michigan Tech account name and password.

Manually install and run Papercut

  1. Download mtu-linux-printing.tar.bz2.
  2. Copy the installer to the desired directory. Extract the tarball and only copy the ‘papercut’ folder to your desired location.
    $ tar -xvjf mtu-printing-[version].tar.bz2
    $ cp -r papercut <desired-location>
  3. Run papercut. The location of the Papercut script is in:./papercut/
    Note: ./ will represent your <desired-location>. You may need to add the executable flag:$ chmod +x ./papercut/

Manually add Husky-BW or Husky-Color

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Enable and start ‘cupsd’ daemon. Note: You’ll need sudo, or root, for the following commands:
    # systemctl enable cupsd
    # systemctl start cupsd
  3. Select the printer ppd you'd like to download from the available list, for example, husky-bw or husky-color. Clicking on the file will automatically download it to your machine
    printer ppd list
  4. Add printers using the lpadmin command when you have the desired ppds downloaded. You will need sudo, or root, for the following commands:
    Replace "/home/printers" with your location.
    # lpadmin -p husky-bw -E -v lpd:// -P "/home/printers/Downloads/husky-bw.ppd"
    # lpadmin -p husky-color -E -v lpd:// -P "/home/printers/Downloads/husky-color.ppd"
  5. Add printers using the lpadmin command when you have the desired ppds downloaded. Note: You’ll need sudo, or root, for the following commands:
    Replace /home/printers with your own location
    # lpadmin -p husky-bw -E -v lpd:// -P "/home/printers/Downloads/drivers/husky-bw.ppd"
    # lpadmin -p husky-color -E -v lpd:// -P "/home/printers/Downloads/drivers/husky-color.ppd"
    screenshot showing the terminal command as listed above

Manually add networked printers

You can also add certain departmental networked printers, Use the instructions for manually adding Husky-BW or Husky-Color, making the following adjustments.

  1. Change the printer name.
  2. Change the ‘lpd’ location.
  3. Download the corresponding ppd.



Article ID: 52820
Thu 4/26/18 3:21 PM
Mon 5/20/24 8:45 AM

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