Adding or modifying products and product notifications in TouchNet

Adding a product

  1. Select Applications > Marketplace on the main menu bar.
  2. On the left navigation menu, select Marketplace Home > [the Marketplace location where your store is located]
  3. Select Stores > [Your Store] > Store Settings > Products. The [Store Name] Products page appears.
  4. Select Add Product.
  5. Enter the Product Name.
  6. Enter the Short Description.
  7. Enter the Mobile Description (can be the same as the Short Description).
  8. Enter the Long Description.
  9. Leave Generic selected, the default, in the Product Type field.
  10. Enter an amount in the Price field. Note: If you have different prices for this product, please contact
  11. Check the appropriate boxes in the Allowed Payment Methods field.
  12. Select Continue. The miscellaneous settings page displays.
  13. Leave all the Miscellaneous Settings fields as the defaults.
  14. Select Continue. The set images page displays.
  15. Select Add Product Image to upload images (pptional). Full size images should be 250px by 250px.Thumbnail images should be 80px by 80px.
  16. Select Continue. The options page displays.
  17. Leave No selected, the default, in the Options settings.
  18. Select Continue. The Items for Sale Settings/stock number page displays.
  19. Select Assign Random Stock #. A stock number is defined.
  20. Select No or Yes in the Limit Quantity field. If Yes is selected, enter a maximum quantity.
  21. Select No or Yes in the Track Inventory field. If Yes is selected, enter an initial inventory quantity. Perhaps you only have a certain amount of tickets or seats available.
  22. If you selected Yes in the Track Inventory field, enter an Out of Stock Message.
  23. In the Back Orderable field, select Yes or No.
  24. Select Auto-Fulfill or Manually Fulfill in the in the Fulfillment field. If you select Yes, the system automatically processes the order. If you choose NO, you will need to login to the system and manually fulfill it.
  25. Select Continue. The Store Status/confirmation page displays.
  26. Make any adjustments to the Store Status, if needed. By default, both Store and Mobile will be automatically enabled.
  27. Select Confirm.. The Product will be added. Product settings can be edited after creation. Would you like to continue? dialog displays.
  28. Select OK. The product is added.

Modifying a product and product notifications

Once you have added a product, you can modify its settings or the product notifications.

  1. Select Applications > Marketplace on the main menu bar.
  2. On the left navigation menu, select Marketplace Home > [the Marketplace location where your store is located]
  3. Select Stores > [Your Store] > Store Settings > Products. The [Store Name] Products page appears.
  4. Select the product you'd like to modify.
  5. Modify settings for the product
  6. Select Save.

Product notifications

  1. Select Applications > Marketplace on the main menu bar.
  2. On the left navigation menu, select Marketplace Home > [the Marketplace location where your store is located]
  3. Select Stores > [Your Store] > Store Settings > Products. The [Store Name] Products page appears.
  4. Select the product you'd like to modify.
  5. Scroll to Product Notifications.
  6. Enter the email address(es) in the Notification Recipients field.
  7. Select Save.


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Article ID: 94543
Mon 12/16/19 3:45 PM
Mon 9/25/23 12:06 PM

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