Requesting an email list


Any organization, department, club, or committee may make use of email lists for communication with their members. This service is limited to university-related activities. Every list has one or more list owners. At least one owner must be an employee or current student of Michigan Technological University. List owners must monitor the list for bounces and remove (or correct) any bad addresses. Diligence is needed to protect Michigan Tech's email servers from a bad reputation.

Mailing lists that have not been used for more than six (6) months are subject to removal. We may also remove invalid email addresses from lists to reduce delivery attempts to known, bad addresses. If a mailing list is generating huge amounts of inappropriate mail, or we are receiving complaints from a significant amount of list members, Michigan Tech IT will try to contact the owner of the list. We may temporarily disable a list, if needed.

Department, organization, or committee use

Any employee or current student may request a new list. The list owner will need to monitor the list to make sure the list is being used for its intended purpose. An owner may remove list members who are disrupting the list with inappropriate messages. The owner(s) or manager(s) of the group will need to manage the group members. You can manage a list that you own or manage by finding the list in Google Groups and selecting the Group Settings. Please carefully review the basic permissions. All organization members include any account with a email address. Please use the instructions at Managing Google Groups at Michigan Tech for more information.

Create a Google Group form

To create a list for a department, organization, or committee, use the Create a Google Group form, which creates Google Groups like the Google interface but with more control over privacy. Upon creation, the Google Group's default status is private and only accessible to group members. You can then manage group settings using the Group's web page.

Class email lists

Automated Class Lists may be requested by instructors for their classes to supplement the communication tools provided by Canvas. Automated class lists are not for student teams, class projects, or study groups. The registered students for the course sections are automatically added to the email list. The instructor only needs to add special list members such as graders and Teaching Assistants, if applicable. The list membership is updated nightly from course rosters. Lists are removed when the academic term ends. You can manage your list, such as manually adding teaching assistants or other instructors, by finding the list in Google Groups and selecting the Group Settings. Please use the instructions at Managing Google Groups at Michigan Tech for more information.

Class list request form for instructors

Please fill in the Class List Request Form for Instructors to create a class email list for either this or next semester (Fall lists will be available when Summer semester starts). You will receive an email notification when the new list is active and ready for use. This list will be updated nightly. After the list has been created, it will show up on your list of Google Groups. You may need to click on "My Groups" if you are not already logged in. For assistance, please email

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Article ID: 53798
Mon 5/14/18 10:09 AM
Fri 6/21/24 8:13 AM

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Michigan Tech uses Google Groups for email lists. Find out how to manage current groups, request a list, or find and join a current group.