Registering a device with ClearPass

When you are on-campus, use a device that is already connected to the network, such as your phone or laptop connected to wireless, to complete the registration process.

Devices that need to be registered in ClearPass


All wired Resnet or Rovernet devices must be pre-registered before connecting to the port, no matter the device type.


Wireless devices such as Smart TVs, gaming consoles (XBOX, PlayStation, Nintendo, etc.), wireless printers, and devices that are not running Windows, Mac OS, or Linux, that may not understand advanced network authentication, need to be pre-registered before connecting them to the MichiganTechOpen network. Any devices you'd like to use to connect with them must also be registered in ClearPass and connected to the appropriate wireless network.

Refer to the KB article: Connecting a device to Resnet, for a list of which networks are appropriate for your device.

Please note, that if you are connecting your phone, tablet, or computer to eduroam, you do not need to pre-register the device.

Examples of devices that need to be registered are:

  • Alexa
  • Amazon FireTV
  • AppleTV
  • Blu-ray player
  • Google Chromecast
  • Network-controlled lighting
  • Playstation
  • RaspberryPi
  • Roku box
  • SmartTV
  • Wii/WiiU
  • Wired Resnet or Rovernet connection 
  • Wireless printer
  • XBox
  • Other devices that are not running Windows, Mac OS, or Linux, that may not understand advanced network authentication
  • Devices that you'd like to use to connect to another registered device, such as a phone to a Google Home or a laptop to a wireless printer


Do not plug in any cables to a wired Resnet connection until told to do so in the instructions.
  1. Log in to ClearPass with your Michigan Tech account name and password from another device that already has Internet access, not the one you are registering in ClearPass.
  2. Select Create Device.
  3. Enter the information for your device
    • Device Name: Create a friendly or appropriate name for your device
    • Device Type: Select the type of device you are using
    • MAC Address: Enter the MAC address of your device (Ethernet (wired) or wireless physical address found in your device's network settings). Visit Find your IP or MAC address for further instructions.
    • AirGroup
      • Enable AirGroup: If you need to communicate with another device on the MichiganTechOpen network (such as a Chromecast), enable AirGroup for all of the devices that you want to communicate.
      • Shared With: By default, sharing is disabled. You have the option of sharing your device with others by adding their Michigan Tech account names. Separate multiple account names with commas.
  4. Select Create Device
  5. Connect your device
    • Wireless:  Connect to MichiganTechOpen network. If it's a TV or gaming console, turn off the device for at least five minutes before connecting.
    • Wired:
      1. Turn off your device.
      2. Wait 10 minutes.
      3. Plug the cable in to the active port (with the yellow circle sticker).
      4. Turn on your device.

Special instructions for certain devices

Smart TVs and gaming consoles

After the registration process, leave your device fully powered off for at least 5 minutes before attempting to reconnect your device to the MichiganTechOpen wireless network. These devices have a tendency to not want to disconnect and reconnect to the network once registered and require a quick "time out."

For all casting/smart devices

  • Ensure your mobile device has MAC randomization turned off. For example: Turn Private Address off for a network (iOS) or MAC Randomization Behavior (Android). This may be per-network; ensure that the MichiganTechIOT MAC randomization has been turned off.
  • Register the MAC address for the casting/smart device and your mobile device in Clearpass.
  • Make sure both the Google home and Clearpass have Airgroup enabled.
  • Wait some time, then restart the devices.
  • Some devices will require you to connect to the device via their “network." Do this if specified in the device instructions.
  • Connect to the MichiganTechIOT wireless network on the mobile device. The password for MichiganTechIOT is michigantechiot.
  • Run the devices setup and connect the device to MichiganTechIOT as well. If it is a Google Home, please see the Google Home section below.
  • Remove your mobile device from the MichiganTechIOT network.
  • If the smart/casting device does not connect properly, factory reset the smart/casting device and run the setup again.

Google Home

When it asks if the Google Home is responding, it will say it is not set up yet. Say it responded and then finish the setup. Wait for 5 minutes, then unplug the Google home device. The device should be working properly once it has restarted.

Wireless printers

Register and connect both your wireless printer and your computer to MichiganTechOpen. We will try our best to support wireless printers but prefer that they're connected via a wired connection. We can provide USB cables upon request.

Raspberry Pi

If when trying to connect you do not have internet access on MichiganTechOpen, ensure DNS is set to or and that the device is registered properly in Clearpass.

Getting help with Resnet

If you're having issues with device connectivity, please submit a request for Resnet troubleshooting.

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Article ID: 53027
Tue 5/1/18 9:41 AM
Mon 8/14/23 6:51 AM

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