Due to a change on April 21. 2023, TouchNet notifies all TouchNet administrators for posting errors, even if they are not administrators for that particular site. Michigan Tech Finance will address the errors.
What to do with the email
You can safely ignore and delete the email. You can also create rules to filter your emails. Contact IT for assistance, if needed.
You have received this email from @mtu.edu in response to processing error.
Posting Error for Site or GL Update Error(s)
This message is an automated notification to inform you that posting error occurred or ... that one or more errors occurred while trying to update the host system (General Ledger). Below are the error details.
- System Tracking ID
- Date/Time
- Total Amount
- Site Information
- Merchant Id
- Merchant Name
- uPay Site ID
- uPay Site Name
- Error reason: Application error or GL error occurred. Please contact support.