Posting or processing error for site email notification

Due to a change on April 21, 2023, TouchNet notifies all TouchNet administrators for posting errors, even if they are not administrators for that particular site. In most cases Michigan Tech Finance will address the errors. If these transactions are for your store and you are responsible for fixing these transactions, please see how to manually push these failed transactions below.  If you are not responsible for this store, you can safely ignore and delete the email. 

This error message comes up when we have Banner Maintenance Windows or if there is a network issue that keeps Banner and TouchNet from talking to each other.  If a transaction happens during one of these instances, then TouchNet holds the transaction requiring us to manually push the transaction to Banner.  When these happen, you receive this email with one of the following Subjects Posting Error for Site or GL Update Error(s). TouchNet sends these errors out for all of the stores on our campus, so you have to look at the failed transaction in the email to determine if it's for your store, if it's not for your store then you can safely ignore it.

Example emails

You have received this email from in response to processing error.

Posting Error for Site or GL Update Error(s)

This message is an automated notification to inform you that posting error occurred or ... that one or more errors occurred while trying to update the host system (General Ledger). Below are the error details.

  • System Tracking ID
  • Date/Time
  • Total Amount
  • Site Information
  • Merchant Id
  • Merchant Name
  • uPay Site ID
  • uPay Site Name
  • Error reason: Application error or GL error occurred. Please contact support.

How to Manually Push Failed TouchNet Transactions

Here are the steps to manually push through a "stuck" TouchNet transaction

  1. Log into TouchNet.
  2. In the top navigation click Applications, then choose Marketplace.
  3. In the left navigation scroll to the bottom and look for "Marketplace Exceptions".
  4. Check both GL Exceptions and Posting Exceptions for any errors related to your merchant or store.

If the resubmit works, then great! If it does not, please open a ticket with IT and we will have someone assist you in determining the next steps (which may include manually entering the transaction, or adding a detail code that may be missing).