Adobe software license use

Adobe Acrobat DC Pro

Adobe Acrobat DC Pro is already installed on MTU-owned computers, such as the computer labs, office desktops, and the remote Windows server

Faculty and staff

Active faculty and staff will need to sign in to Adobe Acrobat DC Pro. Active faculty and staff can also download and install Adobe Acrobat DC Pro on their personal computers. Adobe will prompt you to download and install Adobe Creative Cloud. 

  1. When prompted, enter your Michigan Tech email address in the email address field (e.g., and select Continue.
  2. Select the Michigan Tech - Acrobat profile. 


Active students are able to use the Adobe Acrobat DC Pro on MTU-owned computers, including open lab computers and the remote Windows server,, without an Adobe login. It is not available for personally-owned student computers. Student employees using department or graduate student productivity computers will need to use the Software Center to search for and apply the Acrobat DC Student License, as students do not have an Adobe login.

Adobe Creative Cloud

Available in the HDMZ

Adobe Creative Cloud is installed on the computers in the Humanities Digital Media Zone (HDMZ), which is in Walker 120. Active students, staff, and faculty can use Adobe Creative Cloud in the HDMZ.

Purchase Adobe Creative Cloud

Active faculty and staff can also purchase a license for Adobe Creative Cloud products for their office computers by submitting a purchasing request to Once it is purchased, wait for a confirmation email from Adobe that your license is ready to use, then download and Install Adobe Creative Cloud Apps. If you need assistance with the installation, contact Michigan Tech IT.  If you purchase Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps, you can use Adobe Acrobat Pro using your Personal license and Michigan Technological University profile.

  1. When prompted, enter your Michigan Tech email address in the email address field (e.g., and select Continue.
  2. Select the license, depending on when you received your named user license.
    • If you received your named user license before August 1, 2023, select a Personal license.
    • If you received your named user license after August 1, 2023, select a Company license.
  3. If prompted to move cloud storage, select Michigan Tech - Creative Cloud.
  4. Select the Michigan Tech - Creative Cloud profile. 

Using Adobe Acrobat if you purchased an Individual App

If you purchased an Individual App such as Photoshop and would like to use Adobe Acrobat DC Pro on the same computer, you will need to sign out of your Individual App and sign in to Adobe Acrobat.

  1. Sign out of your Individual app.
  2. Close out of Adobe Creative Cloud.
  3. Launch Adobe Acrobat.
  4. When prompted, enter your Michigan Tech email address in the email address field (e.g., and select Continue.
  5. Select Company license.
  6. Select Michigan Tech - Acrobat profile. 

To use your Adobe Creative Cloud Individual app again, you will need to sign out of Adobe Acrobat, then sign in using your Personal license, then select Michigan Tech - Creative Cloud.

Faculty and staff profile

Faculty and staff will have an Adobe prompt to sign in and select a profile. If you will be using Adobe Acrobat Pro, select Michigan Tech - Acrobat. If you are using an Adobe Creative Cloud application such as Photoshop, select Michigan Tech - Creative Cloud.

Select a profile to sign in. Adobe Acrobat Pro - Michigan Tech - Acrobat; Adobe Creative Cloud - Michigan Tech - Creative Cloud

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Article ID: 92067
Wed 11/13/19 10:45 AM
Thu 8/24/23 8:41 AM

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