Listed below are some solutions to common troubleshooting issues with AppsAnywhere.
AppsAnywhere will not validate
Clear your cache and use and incognito/private window, then try again.
Cannot launch Chrome or AppsAnywhere on a campus lab computer
Please select the Logoff button on your Desktop or select Start Menu --> select your username --> select Sign Out of any campus computers to release the Chrome lock file. You can then use Chrome and AppsAnywhere on the next computer. If you do not Logoff or Sign Out, Chrome/AppsAnywhere will be locked to the previous computer. If you are able, go back to the last computer(s) that you just used, log back in, then select Logoff on the Desktop to sign out and it will release the Chrome lock file. Contact IT for more help.
The AppsAnywhere SSO page appears
After logging in to an AppsAnywhere system on campus, Chrome will automatically launch and log you into the AppsAnywhere home page without directing you to the Single Sign On (SSO) page.
If a web browser is opened and the AppsAnywhere address is typed into the address bar, you will need to log in at the SSO page. From here, logging in will go to AppsAnywhere or the AppsAnywhere shortcuts on the desktop or in the Windows Start Menu will directly launch the application catalog.

The AppsAnywhere Login page appears
If the AppsAnywhere login page appears, it is most likely that AppsAnywhere has been logged off. From here, select Windows Pass-Through (NTLM) to log back into AppsAnywhere. This will log in with the currently active Windows account. The desktop or start menu shortcuts will also direct back to the Application Catalog.

Sign in dialog box appears
If the below login prompt appears, it is likely due to an Internet setting that hasn’t been applied.

Use the following steps:
Using the Windows search tool, search for and open Internet Options.
In the Internet Properties window, select the Security tab, then select Local intranet, and click the Sites button.

In the Local Intranet dialog box, select the Advanced button.
Add the AppsAnywhere website to the zone by entering to the field and selecting Add.

When the website appears in the list, select Close, and exit the Internet Options. You should now be able to launch AppsAnywhere by using the Start Menu or Desktop shortcut.
Need Help?
If you need additional assistance, we can help. Contact IT at or call 906-487-1111.