Student status and system access

Students are considered active during semesters in which they are actively enrolled in courses. Appropriate access is provided when a student is active, which is two (2) weeks prior to the start of the semester in which they are actively enrolled in courses.

Access to most Michigan Tech-related systems and services will be cut off two (2) weeks after a student is no longer considered an active student.  For regular semesters, this is two (2) weeks after the last day of finals. Email, Experience, and Canvas access will continue until the next semester.

Access to email, Experience, and campus wireless

Access will continue for:

  • Experience
  • Michigan Tech campus wireless
  • Email

In the case of suspension/dismissal, the student will retain email access for the length of time needed to file an appeal, after which time email access is removed.

Upon graduation, students are classified as alumni and retain Experience, email, and WiFi access indefinitely.

Access removal

While a student is not active, access is removed for items such as:

  • Computer login
  • Card and door access
  • Software, including Microsoft Office 365,, and software licenses
  • VPN
  • One Drive
  • Multidrive or home drive files and folders (contents removed after 120 days)
  • Google Drive (contents removed after 120 days)
  • Google Photos (contents removed after 120 days)
  • Printing
  • Access to the Library's electronic resources
  • Experience Tech

Home drives (H:)

Home drive (H:) contents are removed 120 days after you are no longer a student.

Google Drive and Photos

Access to Google Drive and Google Photos expires 120 days after you’re no longer a student. Contents of these folders are erased at that time.  See our knowledge base article on Google's options for downloading or transferring your data.

You will still be able to access the Gmail app, but when you visit a Google Drive app, such as Drive, Sheets, or Docs, you may see a message similar to, "We are sorry, but you do not have access to Google [app]. Please contact your Organization Administrator for access."

For further information about IT access, please contact IT at 906-487-1111 or email IT Help.

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Due to storage limits Google is making to Google Drive for education, alumni will lose access to google drive on January 1, 2023. This article answers questions related to the change, who is affected, and suggestions for moving files from Google Drive to other accounts or storage services. Best practice for organizations, groups, and departments is to use Shared Drives instead of having students or employees sharing files and folders directly from My Drive