Connecting to VPN (Linux)


Instructions for installing and running the VPN client (f5) on computer running Linux


Getting the VPN client

Deb-based distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.)

To download and install the .deb-based client, enter the commands:

sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt install ./linux_f5cli.7245.x86_64.deb

RPM-based distributions (RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, etc.)

To download and install the .rpm-based client, enter the commands:

sudo dnf localinstall ./linux_f5cli.7245.x86_64.rpm

ARM distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, ARCH, etc.)

To download and install the .deb-based client, enter the commands:

sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt install ./linux_f5cli.7245.armhf.deb

Additional way to get the VPN

Go to and log in with your MTU account name and password. Select the version you wish to download.

Using the VPN client

Note: The VPN client does not automatically disconnect upon logging out. If more than one person uses your machine, it is highly recommended that you disconnect when you are done using the VPN. Others who log in after you will be able to use your VPN connection if you fail to disconnect from the VPN.

Starting Connection

Enter the command:

f5fpc --start --host --user <MTU_SSO>

If you get a “Server certificate verification failed” error, you should add the -x flag before the --user flag.
f5fpc --start --host -x --user <MTU_SSO>

Checking VPN status

Enter the command: f5fpc --info


Enter the command: f5fpc --stop

Troubleshooting and common considerations

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, allowing you to create a secure connection to another network over the Internet. MTU requires the BigIP VPN Client from F5. When attempting to print on an off-campus network, the BigIP VPN is required to start a print job. With all things Linux, the client is dependent on what OS you are currently running.

DNS Manual Setup

In some cases when connecting to the VPN from a non-Michigan Tech or personal machine, you may have issues accessing resources in your Multidrive or other places on campus. For example, you may have problems listing out files in your Multidrive. To fix these issues, you will need sudo access on your machine.

If your machine does not use /etc/resolv.conf to configure its DNS servers, then you may have to manually add the campus DNS servers based on your Linux distribution.

If your machine does use systemd-resolved, then you can use the following commands to add the DNS servers when you are connected to the campus VPN:

sudo resolvectl domain tun0
sudo resolvectl dns tun0

DNS Conflicts

While connected to the VPN, your routes and DNS configurations have been adjusted by the VPN.

If you experience DNS issues after connecting to the VPN then you may be experiencing a conflict. This is likely related to how the VPN makes those adjustments on your local device. To resolve this, ensure all connections are closed, change your DNS configuration to any DNS server that is not and attempt to reconnect.

File Interactions

A number of files may be interacted with when the VPN client begins its initialization process. This list is subject to change by the upstream provider:

  • /etc/nsswitch.conf
  • /etc/host.conf
  • /etc/resolve.conf
  • /etc/hosts
  • /tmp/f5Standalone.lock
  • $HOME/.F5Networks/f5networks.conf
  • $HOME/.F5Networks/standalone.log



Article ID: 51485
Wed 4/4/18 9:26 AM
Thu 8/29/24 8:30 AM

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