Configure ArcGIS Pro

Once you have ArcGIS Pro installed, there are two items that you can configure and use. See Adding Software Using the Software Center (Windows 10).

ArcGIS Pro Online Features

Students, faculty, or staff wishing to use ArcGIS Pro online features can create an account at the ArcGIS website. ArcGIS Pro online features include:

  • Additional ESRI online content
  • Ability to publish to their own ESRI portal space

ArcGIS Pro Software Features/Extensions

Students, faculty, or staff wishing to add additional software features/extensions can confirm the current license features and configure additional software features/extensions for ArcGIS Pro:

Confirm License

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Select Settings in the lower left of the screen.
  3. Select Licensing from the menu options on the left.
  4. Confirm the listed features have a Yes in the Licensed column and the expiration date has not been reached.
    Licensed and Expires

Configure License

Configure the license to install additional software/extensions . This does not require a sign-in to ArcGIS pro nor administrative rights.

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Select Configure your licensing options at the ArcGIS login screen.
    Configure your licensing options
  3. Select Concurrent Use License for License Type.
    Concurrent Use License
  4. Change the license manager to be, then select Refresh, then OK., refresh, OK
  5. Restart ArcGIS Pro.
  6. Select the Licensing menu.
    1. Verify the offline checkbox is not checked.
    2. Select Configure your licensing Options.
      Configure your licensing options
    3. Select all the boxes, then select OK.
      Select all boxes