Electronic recycling information

Tags recycling

Information Technology is committed to sustainability and the proper recycling of electronics and consumables. The following article lists what can be recycled, including direct links to the service request forms for Michigan Tech departments to request recycling service. Please be aware that there is a recycling cost for some items.

Who can request recycling

Departments with MTU-owned items

Michigan Tech departments can make requests for recycling, resale, or disposal of technology using the Service Catalog for 

  1. Complete the form(s) for Items with a metal Michigan Tech property tag and/or Items without a metal Michigan Tech property tag. Please include:
    • Pick up location with building and room number
    • If a cart will be needed
    • Account index for certain items with recycling costs
  2. Once you receive the ticket request confirmation, clearly label the equipment with the ticket request number you receive.

No personal items

IT does not recycle personally-owned items. Students, please check in with your residence hall front desk for recycling personal items. Students, staff, and faculty can also contact Facilities for recycling personal items. You can contact the following for how to recycle your personal items.

What can be recycled

MTU-owned equipment, including common electronic devices, such as computers, laptop batteries, cameras, and printers, as well as printer cartridges and batteries, can be recycled. IT does not recycle personally-owned equipment.

Recycling Costs

MTU-owned devices like CRT monitors, televisions, printers/copiers, and appliances (microwaves, refrigerators, etc.) will have a cost. Please provide an account index for these items. The costs below are per the company that provides the service, American Recycling. IT does not recycle personally-owned equipment.

E-Recycling Costs
Item Charge
Microwaves $5/ea
CRT monitors $10/ea
Exercise equipment, smartboards, TVs, large appliances, charging carts $25/ea
Large copiers $50/ea
Printers, CPUs, towers, laptops, LCD monitors, servers, tablets, projectors, cables, keyboards, mice, switches, routers, phones, speakers, radios, access points, UPSs, etc. Free of charge

If you have questions, please contact Michigan Tech IT at it-help@mtu.edu or call 906-487-1111.  

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Article ID: 53973
Wed 5/16/18 8:05 AM
Tue 7/23/24 11:34 AM