Any platform
Asset tag
Find the Michigan Tech asset tag

Serial number
Find the serial number of the computer
Computer name
Find the computer label on the desktop tower, laptop, CPU, etc. and find the name next to Computer.
Property tag
Find the metal property tag
Windows 10/11
Which version of Windows operating system am I running?
- Right-click on the Start button.
- Select Settings > System > About.
- You can find the Full device name (ex. or and other device information.
Mac OS X 10.4 and later
Find out which macOS your Mac is using
Option 1
Open Go > Applications > Tech Apps > All MTU Computers > System Info to display the hostname and other information about your Mac
Option 2
- Launch your System Preferences.
- Click on the Sharing pane. Your Computer Name is listed at the top of the pane.
Find the software version on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod
- Launch your Settings app.
- Press General and then press About. Your iOS device name will be at the top left of the screen.
- Launch terminal
- Enter the command:
Other Windows Versions
Which version of Windows operating system am I running?
Windows XP
- Right-click My Computer and select Properties.
- Click the Computer Name tab. Your Computer Name is listed under Full Computer Name.
Windows Vista
- Open System by clicking the Start button.
- Click on Control Panel > System and Maintenance, and then click System. Your Computer Name is listed under Full Computer Name.
Windows 8
- Hover the mouse at the top right.
- Click the settings cog > PC info.
- Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings, you can find your computer name, and its full computer name if your computer is on a domain.
Windows 8.1
- Right-click on the Start button.
- Click System.
- Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings, you can find your computer name, and its full computer name if your computer is on a domain.
Windows 7
- Open System by clicking the Start button.
- Right-click on Computer, and then click Properties.
- Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings, you can find your computer name, and its full computer name if your computer is on a domain.