Ellucian Experience is an inclusive interface with a mobile-accessible, user-friendly design that allows you to customize a central dashboard and access your information and campus services with a single sign-on. As changes are made over the next few months, they’ll be reflected on the MyMichiganTech page. Services will still be accessible as they are transitioned to their new location.
Getting to know Experience
You access Experience with your Michigan Tech account name and password.
The Experience Dashboard uses cards to organize information. You can customize these cards to suit your viewing preferences.

Cards that display a padlock icon will always show on your main dashboard. A ribbon icon indicates that you can click the ribbon to toggle it on and off your main dashboard.

Select the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) to open the main menu. You can search for items by category or keyword and access additional linked resources.

Quick Links
Access key university information systems

Other Cards
My Account
Quickly directs you to services related to your Michigan Tech account.

Services include:
- Preferred Name/Pronouns
- Change Password
- Emergency Contacts
- Update Address
- Guest Access
- Safety First Alert
- HuskyCard Photo Upload
Billing and Payments
View and pay your Student Bill, confirm enrollment, and other payments.

Services include:
- Pay Student Bill/Confirm Enrollment - Manage Express cash, Top Dog Account, Pay Health insurance, Pay Broomball Registration fee
- Account Payment Summary by Term
- Pay Parking Tickets
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid card helps you navigate the Financial Aid process.

Services include:
- View My Financial Aid
- Verification Information
- Aid for International Students
- Fill out the FAFSA
- Payment Plan Information
- Aid for Graduate Students
- Outside Scholarship Opportunities
Student Tax Forms
The Student Tax Forms card helps you update your direct deposit information and has links to tax forms.

Services include:
- Tax Notification Form (1098-T)
- Tax Notification Electronic Consent (1098-T)
Schedule classes and manage other course-related tasks.

Services include:
- Check Registration Status
- Add/Drop Classes
- Student Grid Schedule
- Student Detail Schedule
- Registration Permits and Overrides
- Buy Textbooks
My Academics
My Academics keeps you up-to-date with your grades, advisor, transcripts, and exam schedules.

Services include:
- Grades
- Academic Advisor Listing
- View Transfer, AP, IB CLEP credit
- Request Academic Accommodations
- Academic Standing
- Unofficial Transcript
- Final Exam Schedule
My Degree
My Degree walks you through what you need to know to graduate.

Services include:
- Undergraduate Degree Audit
- Graduate Academic Information
- Request to change major, minor, or concentration
- Submit graduation application
- MyMichiganTech Current Student Tab
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