Remote instruction configuration with room PC in small classroom

Using Zoom, remote students can join a synchronous face-to-face class.  Some smaller classrooms on campus have been equipped with a ChatAttach 170 in order to allow for the exchange of audio between the face-to-face class and the remote student. The ChatAttach 170 with an active Zoom web-conferencing call from the classroom PC will allow in-class and remote students and the instructor to communicate effectively during the classroom session. 

View the short demonstration video and/or review the documented steps in the article below:


  1.  Log into the classroom PC with your Michigan Tech account name and password.  Touch to activate the Crestron touch panel and select PC as your presentation source.
  2. Go to and sign in with your Michigan Tech account name and password.  Start your Zoom meeting (class) session.
  3.  Verify that the LED lights on the ChatAttach 170 are blue.  If the LED lights are red, the ChatAttach system is muted and will need to be un-muted by pressing the mute/un-mute button once.
    ChatAttach 170
  4.   If the ChatAttach is not lit, it may be unplugged from the computer.  Verify that the cable from the ChatAttach is plugged into a USB port on the computer.
    PC computer USB port for ChatAttach 170
  5. Within your Zoom session, select the microphone symbol in the lower-left corner and verify that both the 'Select a Microphone' and 'Select a Speaker' are set to: Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (Chat 170).
    Audio options
  6. Verify that the PC screen is projected at the front of the room. To share content with the remote students, select Share from the bottom menu of the Zoom session and then select from the screen options which content you want to share.  If you are using a Powerpoint presentation, it is recommended that you select Powerpoint presentation instead of sharing your desktop.  
  7. If you would like to share content on the document camera, touch to activate the Crestron touch panel and select Doc cam.  Verify that the document camera is being projected at the front of the room.  To share the document camera with the remote students, select Share from the bottom menu of the Zoom session and then select Advanced at the top of the screen and then select Content from 2nd Camera.
    Advanced share options



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Article ID: 111286
Mon 7/6/20 9:19 AM
Mon 4/22/24 12:28 PM