NX install (Windows - personal student device)


NX install help for Windows personal computers for Engineering Fundamentals 1102 course


Use AppsAnywhere to launch NX (Recommended)

Please visit AppsAnywhere overview for how to install AppsAnywhere on your personal device, then launch NX from AppsAnywhere. You can also use NX on one of the Windows lab computers listed at Computer Labs on Campus.

New for Fall 2022, AppsAnywhere will be available for personal and MTU-owned Windows devices. Installation will be available to students, faculty, and staff after August 15, 2022. The applications available will be determined by factors such as department, enrolled courses, if the device is owned by Michigan Tech or is a personal device, or whether the device is on or off campus.

Using the NX installer from the Software Distribution Center

Before you begin

Available disk space

Check the available disk space you have on your computer drive(s). Please visit the support article to find out how much storage your Windows PC has. You will need approximately 37 GB (20 GB for the installation files and 27 GB for the NX installed program).

Third-party antivirus

Windows uses Windows Security, by default, and does not interfere with installs. However, if you have third-party antivirus programs installed, they can sometimes block NX from installing, launching, or connecting to the campus license server. If you are having issues, you may need to temporarily disable your third-party antivirus while installing and using NX.

VPN connection required

Using NX requires communication with the campus license server in order to run the software. In order to contact the license server from off-campus, you must establish a VPN connection to campus.

Installation instructions

  1. Find out which version of NX you need to use from your course instructor.
  2. Log in to the Software Distribution Center with your Michigan Tech account name (without the @mtu.edu) and password.
  3. Select the NX version you need for your course.
  4. Follow the instructions provided to download and install NX on your personal computer.

Install NX on a different drive

If you do not have enough space on the C: drive, you can modify the install script to install it on a different drive, if available. Follow the instructions from the Software Distribution Center for your NX version you need, with the following modifications:

  1. Once you extract the NX zip file, open the NX file folder.
  2. Right-click on install.ps1 Windows PowerShell script file and select Edit.
  3. Edit the line to replace `"$envProgramFiles\ with `"D:\Program Files\ to note the drive letter, such as D
    INSTALLDIR=`"D:\Program Files\$appVendor\$appName`" LICENSESERVER=27000@license.mtu.edu"
  4. Edit the line to remove-CheckDiskSpace
    Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'ugraf,java,javaw,lmtools,LicensingTool,MkEditor,Postino,runugpost,cmd'     -PersistPrompt 
  5. Save the file as install.ps1
  6. Proceed with the rest of the instructions to run Deploy-Application.exe.



Article ID: 124303
Mon 1/11/21 12:24 PM
Tue 4/23/24 10:49 AM

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