Checking your HuskyCard balances, door access, or spending history

Login to the CS Gold WebCard Center

Log in to the CS Gold WebCard Center using your Michigan Tech account name and password. The left navigation menu has options to view account balance, spending history, and any doors to which you have access. 

Account Balance

Select Account Balance in the left navigation menu to view your meal plan and other balances, such as Express Cash, Dining Dollars, or Bookstore Tuition.

Spending History

Select Spending History in the left navigation menu to view your spending history for your meal and other balances, such as Express Cash, Dining Dollars, or Bookstore Tuition.

My Current Access

Select the menu option My Current Access to view a list of all campus buildings and spaces to which you have access,

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Article ID: 51419
Tue 4/3/18 3:08 PM
Tue 2/28/23 8:34 AM

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