Digital signage departmental responsibilities


This article outlines the responsibilities of the department and what assistance Michigan Tech IT provides.


Information Technology empowers our customers that are so inclined to conduct an initial troubleshooting process to resolve an issue prior to contacting IT Help. The recommended troubleshooting steps are detailed in the following KB article: Digital Sign Troubleshooting and Incident Reporting Process.

This article outlines the responsibilities of the department and what assistance Michigan Tech IT provides. 

Departmental Responsibilities

  • Developing and maintaining content displayed on their signs
  • Identify a departmental liaison who will serve as the point of contact for service requests, new sign requests, and training for additional staff within the department. The individual identified as the departmental liaison must be a full-time staff member.
  • Maintaining continuity of departmental staff expertise in performing required signage related tasks.
  • The designated contact will have the option to have the digital sign monitoring software send an e-mail to their account to help keep the department informed of the status of their signs.
  • The department will have the option of turning on their digital sign after a power outage.  Michigan Tech IT will be prioritizing the restoration of academic systems immediately after a power outage and may not be able to respond to digital sign outage requests for up to two business days.
  • Paying the cost of the hardware including the television, computer, and any other associated devices necessary to operate the digital sign.
  • Budgeting for the lifecycle of the hardware necessary to operate a digital sign or calendar. Please plan for an approximate life expectancy of four years for computers and tablets and five years for televisions.
  • For digital calendars that use Google Calendar as a data source, the related Google Calendar must be a Michigan Tech Google Admin managed resource; for calendars using 25Live, they must be integrated with the 25Live system.

IT Responsibilities

  • Paying for the annual licensing costs for all digital signs utilizing Reach Media Networks the Michigan Tech IT centrally supported system.
  • Providing initial training to departments’ liaisons and creating user accounts for all the necessary staff in the department supporting digital signage
  • Powering up any offline signs within two (2) business days after a reported outage. Please note that our regular business hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m to 5 p.m.
  • Troubleshooting any down signs.
  • Working with departments to provide estimates for new digital signs and repairs for current digital signs with hardware problems.



Article ID: 71070
Tue 1/29/19 1:12 PM
Thu 10/12/23 8:40 AM