Sharing instructional materials from a concluded Canvas course


This article outlines how a faculty member can share instructional materials from a Canvas course that has been concluded.


When a Canvas course concludes at the end of a term, people cannot be added to the course to access the instructional materials.  This article outlines how to copy the concluded course content into another course shell so that it can be accessed after the term end date.

  1. At the Canvas Dashboard, select Start a New Course, which is located in the right sidebar.
    Start a new course button
  2. Enter a name for the course in the Course Name field.  Select Create Course.
    Entry field for the course name
  3.  Locate and open the newly created course from your course list. Select Settings from the left navigation bar and choose Import Course Content.
    Import Course Content button
  4. Select Copy a Canvas Course from the Content Type drop-down menu.  Begin typing the name of the concluded course in the Search for a course field.  Canvas should auto-fill to match your entry.  Then select the course from the list of displayed courses.  Choose to import All Content or Select specific content
    Import content menu
  5. If you need to adjust or remove dates on course materials, check the box for Adjust events and due dates.  Choose Shift dates or Remove dates.
  6. If you chose to shift dates, enter new dates in the beginning and ending date fields.
    Calendar date section of the import content menu
  7. Select Import. The status bar will indicate when the import is complete.
  8. After the import is complete, go to the course navigation bar and select a link such as assignments to verify that the content imported correctly.
  9. To add other individuals to the course so they can view the content, click on the People link in the course navigation bar.
  10. Select the +People button along the right margin.  Add the individual's email address and designate their role in the course.  An invitation to the course will be sent to the people who are added.  Accepting the invitation allows them to log into the course.
    The 'Add People' menu



Article ID: 90455
Fri 10/25/19 9:28 AM
Mon 3/6/23 8:38 AM

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