Early Term Survey


Both the Provost and the University Senate (Policy 505.1) advocate distributing an Early Term Survey during the fourth or fifth week of the term to direct or improve instruction.

  1. The Early Term Survey is available (but unpublished) in your Canvas course under Quizzes.  The survey is an ungraded, anonymous submission survey.
    Early Term Survey
  2.  There are three free-response questions provided in the survey.
    free response questions
  3. Additional questions can be added to the survey by editing the survey and selecting the Questions tab.  At the bottom of the page is a 'New Question' button.
    New question button
  4. For information on how to add new essay questions to a quiz, reference the Create an Essay question guide from the Instructor Canvas Guides.
  5. When you are ready to make the survey available to students, select the Published button at the top of the quiz.
    Published button



Article ID: 73866
Fri 3/15/19 3:26 PM
Thu 10/12/23 8:26 AM