Moderating Quizzes


  1. To give students extra attempts or extra time to complete a Canvas quiz, Select Quizzes from the left Navigation bar and select the name of the desired quiz.
    Quizzes link on navigation bar
  2. Select the Moderate This Quiz option which is found in the upper right sidebar.
    Option to moderate this quiz
  3. Select the pencil icon next to the student's name.
    Pencil icon option
  4. Student Extensions allow you to add Extra Attempts and/or Extra time on every attempt.  Extra attempts allow the student the opportunity to take the quiz again.  Extra time will allow the student additional time on top of the allotted quiz time.  Select Save.
    Student extensions menu



Article ID: 72223
Tue 2/19/19 11:43 AM
Thu 10/12/23 8:44 AM