Application information


How to view information about each application in the application catalog, including understanding application dependencies, and how to save favorite applications.


More Information tab

Each application in the AppsAnywhere application catalog has a More Information section with three tabs containing:

  • App details
  • Delivery methods
  • Regions

App details

The App Details section includes information on:

  • App vendor
  • App description
  • App categories

Delivery methods

This describes the ways in which the application can be deployed to your system. Here you can find a brief description of how delivery methods work, any restrictions for where the app can be installed, and on which operating systems the app can be installed.


This lists the countries where the application is available. If you have questions regarding the regional availability of software, please refer to this section or contact with any questions.


Some applications depend on files from other applications. If an app has dependencies, its App Dependencies page will open.

Note: Dependencies for an app do not need to be running for the app to function, where a dependency refers to an application that has files a different application needs to work properly. They only need to be loaded into the Cloudpaging Player. In the example below, R-studio will not launch until R is launched and loaded into the player.App Dependencies window that shows the dependencies required

From here you can launch any application your app depends on or select the I have it option if it’s already loaded into the Cloudpaging Player. When then the dependencies have been met, a check mark will appear and the Launch app button will be enabled, allowing you to launch the application.

the launch app button will be enabled when the app dependencies have been met.

Saving applications (Favorites)

AppsAnywhere allows applications to be saved, or created as favorites, allowing them to be displayed conveniently. To view your favorites, select the Favourites tab on the top bar. This will apply a filter to display only favorited applications.

view of AppsAnywhere window with Favourites tab highlighted

When hovering over an application in the AppsAnywhere application catalog, there will be a star icon on the top right of the application icon. A grey star signifies an application that has not been favorited, while a gold star signifies one that is saved as a favorite.

To favorite an application, select the star icon. The grey star will turn to gold and the application will be added to your favorites. 

To remove an application from your favorites, select the gold star. It will turn grey and no longer show in Favourites. Alternatively, applications can be favorited or removed from your favorites from an application's More Information section.

Need Help?

If you need additional assistance, we can help. Contact IT at or call 906-487-1111.



Article ID: 71501
Tue 2/5/19 2:17 PM
Thu 12/7/23 11:46 AM