This guide will walk you through connecting your Linux lab machine to the CCC (VMware Cluster) through Michigan Tech's VPN.
Steps to Connect
- Launch your preferred web browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
- In the address bar, go to:
- Log in using your Michigan Tech Single Sign-On (SSO).
- Initiate connection to MTU VPN by selecting Access MTU Network 112. A new window will open with the details on connecting to the VPN. (Note: If your browser blocks pop-ups, you may need to click the "Open Link" button at the top of the browser.)

- Once connected, you can verify the connection by checking the VPN window. It should display a successful connection message to show that you are connected.

Disconnecting from the VPN
You can disconnect from the VPN by either:
■ Clicking the Disconnect button in the VPN window.
■ Logging out of the machine, which will automatically disconnect your session.
Accessing the VMware vCenter Cluster
Once you are connected to the MTU VPN, you can access the vCenter cluster to manage your virtual machines.
- Open your web browser and navigate to the vCenter URL:
- Select Launch vSphere Client.

- Sign in with your MTU SSO credentials.
- Find your VM (This VM is used as an example. Please follow your instructor’s guidelines and instructions.)

- Click the “Launch Web Console” button to open a console in a browser tab.
- Alternatively, you can select the Launch Remote Console button to use the vmrc client. This will open a blank tab in the browser, and then open the vmrc application which has some improved features over the web console. Please note that the vmrc client is only available in fully-managed Linux computer labs.