Adding questions to the Early Term Survey


This article addresses how to add additional questions to the existing Early Term Survey that is available in all registrar-generated Canvas courses.


The Early Term Survey is an ungraded, anonymous, three question survey that is available in all Canvas courses.  The Early Term Survey is typically administered to students in Week 4 of the semester to allow an instructor to gather feedback on the course and implement any changes early in the term.  An instructor can add additional questions to the survey if desired.

  1.  Select the Early Term Survey in the Surveys Module of your Canvas course.
    Early Term Survey selected in Canvas
  2. Select the Edit option in the upper right corner of the Early Term Survey details page.
    Edit button selected in early term survey
  3. Select the Questions tab located directly above the survey title box.
    Questions tab in early term survey
  4. At the bottom of the Questions tab page select + New Question to add an additional question to the survey.
    New question button selected
  5. Enter the name of the additional question and select the appropriate question type.  Enter your question into the text field provided.
    Question title field and question type dropdown menu
  6. Select Update Question when you have completed creating the new question.
    Update Question option
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 to create additional questions as needed.







Article ID: 137823
Wed 9/15/21 2:19 PM
Fri 9/17/21 10:20 AM