Extending student access to a Canvas course


Extending student access to a Canvas course

Canvas course shells with enrolled students use term dates to determine student access.  Instructors who need to extend the course access dates for their students should follow the steps below:

Course Details

  1. Access the Course Details tab from the course Settings in the left navigation menu
  2. Change the Participation setting to Course from the drop-down menu (default setting is Term)
  3. Enter an updated course End date in the date field provided
    Course participation date in Canvas course settings
  4. Click the blue "Update Course Details" button at the bottom of the page


  1. Access the Sections tab from the course Settings in the left navigation menu
  2. Click on the title of the course section that includes the student(s) that need extended access (course CRN is included in parentheses)
  3. Confirm student(s) needing extended access from the list of current student enrollments in the section
  4. Click "Edit Section" from right sidebar
    Section dates in Canvas course settings
  5. Enter an updated End date in the field provided
  6. Confirm that the student participation dates check box is checked
  7. Click the blue "Update Section" button

Completing this process will extend course access for all students enrolled in the section.





Article ID: 131683
Tue 4/20/21 9:16 AM
Wed 4/21/21 9:30 AM