Using Blue Key mobile readers


This guide is for the administration and usage of the two mobile readers that have been granted to Blue Key to use to check for Winter Carnival Activity waivers and to monitor attendance at these events.


This guide is for the administration and usage of the two mobile readers that have been granted to Blue Key to use to check for Winter Carnival Activity waivers and to monitor attendance at these events.

Reader IDs
Reader # Tag number (back of phone) Account
1 13512 mr-bk1
2 13513 mr-bk2

CS Gold AdminWeb

From the CS Gold Administration page, you can look up patrons to check and manage their activity waiver status. 

Log in at From the main CS Gold AdminWeb page, select Patron Lookup from the navigation menu on the left.CS Gold adminweb main page

Patron Lookup

Use Patron Lookup to confirm identity by using limited information, such as name and a photo. You can also set the 'Waiver Signed' flag, to verify that a waiver has been signed.

The two tabs in this section are General Info and Flags.

General Info

The General Info tab displays the patron's name and photo. You can enter the patron's Last Name in the Last field, then verify that you have selected the right patron by comparing their photo. You can also use the search tool to look up by entering the patron's Michigan Tech account name or M number (ex. M12345678) in the PIK field.

patron lookup


Select the Flags tab to view and set the Winter Carnival Waiver flag. By selecting this check box, you are verifying that the patron has signed their waiver. If this flag is checked, the mobile reader will show approval if you tap the patron's ID. To set the flag, make sure the check box is filled and select Save.

patron lookup

Ad-Hoc Reports 

In Ad-Hoc reports, you can run an attendance report that gives a breakdown of the number of swipes on the mobile readers on a given date and time frame. 

The report shows:

  • Total number of approved and denied swipes
  • A summary of total approvals, denials, and combined swipes for each reader (number on the back of the phone referenced with the Reader IDs table in this document)

Follow these steps to run the report:

  1. In the report structure shown below, go to MTU > Misc > Bluekey_Attendance.rpt.
    Ad-Hoc Reports page
  2. Enter the desired report date and time range. Use the following format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS (24-hour format) and a valid start date. For example, 11/19/2020 13:32:00 would run a report for November 19, 2020, starting at 1:32 pm. Make sure to set both start and end times and a range long enough to capture the appropriate swipes.
  3. Select Submit to run the report. When prompted, choose the Yes button. The report should look similar to the following image.
    attendance report example

Mobile Reader App

Open the Mobile Reader app by selecting the MR icon. To check if a patron has signed their waiver, tap their Huskycard or enter their Michigan Tech account name and select ENTER.

MR reader app home page

Depending on if they have their waiver signed, and therefore have the Winter Carnival Waiver flag checked according to the documentation above, one of the next three pages will appear.


The patron's waiver is signed and the appropriate flag is enabled.

user approved screen


The patron's waiver is not signed or the appropriate flag is not enabled.

transaction failed screen

Duplicate ID

Readers are configured so that the same card cannot be tapped twice in a row. If this happens, the Duplicate Detected error screen will appear. Use a different card to clear the error before attempting to tap the card again.

duplicate detected error



Article ID: 120830
Fri 11/20/20 11:14 AM
Wed 10/16/24 9:32 AM