Canvas now features a new Rich Content Editor (RCE). The new RCE offers a more efficient editing interface for text and rich media in announcements, assignments, discussions, pages, quizzes and the syllabus. The toolbar menu is grouped by common icons and interactions. When an icon is selected from the editor, the toolbar menu displays an arrow by the most recently active icon. If the browser is not expanded to the full width, an Options menu (three vertical dots) will appear on the far right end of the toolbar to show any hidden icons.
Key toolbar features are detailed below:

- Format Text- Add headings and style text.
- Add Course Content
- Links - external links or course links
- Images - external, course or user images
- Record/Upload media -uploaded from computer, course files or user file folders
- Documents - uploaded from computer files, course files or user files
- External App plug-ins
- Huskycast (embed/upload/record videos)
- The plug icon will display an alphabetical list of available apps along with a search field. Only apps previously installed in the course are displayed.
- Text alignment, insert lists, indent
- Clear formatting, add tables, insert math equations and embed content.

- Keyboard Shortcuts - ALT+F8 (PC) or Option+0 (Mac)
- Accessibility Checker - check for common accessibility errors within the editor
- Word count
- HTML editor - add content with raw HTML code
- Full-screen editor option
- Resize vertical space in editor window
Auto-Save Feature
If you navigate away from or refresh a page while working in the Rich Content Editor, the Auto-Save feature will notify you that Auto-Save content exists. You will have the option to preview the content and decide whether or not to save it. This feature (where available) can help retain new or edited content which may otherwise be lost.