Guest Network Connection with older iPhones (iOS)

A known issue exists with connecting older iPhones connecting to the guest network. Connect using these steps.

  1. Go to Settings, then Wi-Fi.
  2. Choose the MichiganTechGuest network.
  3. A blank pop-up screen appears without a button to accept the terms and conditions.
    1. Select the Cancel button on the top right.
    2. Select Connect without Internet.
  4. Go back to Safari and open a new tab.
  5. Another pop-up now appears with the proper terms and conditions. Your device should now connect to MichiganTechGuest.

If you have tried this and it is still not working, please forget all MichiganTech wireless networks on your iPhone, then try the steps again.

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Article ID: 78833
Wed 5/22/19 9:27 AM
Thu 10/12/23 8:27 AM