Moving a Huskycast recording to another folder

  1. Log in at with your Canvas credentials.
    Huskycast login screen
  2. Select Browse from the left margin and then select My Folders. Locate and select the folder that contains the recording you want to move.
    Browse to My Folders
  3. Find the recording you wish to move to another folder.
  4. Select the recording by checking the small box in the upper-left corner of the recording thumbnail. You will need to hover over the thumbnail to see the checkbox.
    Checkbox on the thumbnail of recording
  5. At the top of the page, some additional buttons appear. Select the Move button.
    recording thumbnail with move button
  6. From the Move session drop-down menu, begin typing in the name of the folder to which you would like to move the recording.  It should auto-populate as you are typing.
    Move session drop down menu
  7. Select the destination folder. Then select Move.
  8.  A green checkmark will appear when the move command is completed.
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Article ID: 71009
Mon 1/28/19 3:07 PM
Mon 10/24/22 9:13 AM